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Coming to nursery – what to do if your child is unwell

Coming to nursery at Banana Moon Bromley – what to do if your child is unwell

We never want our children to feel poorly or injured, but it is a fact, that at any time of the year, that babies will be teething, toddlers will be bumping into things and our children will have a variety of illnesses. At Banana Moon Bromley we have robust policies to support our early years professionals, our parents and children. 
We are often asked the same questions and we will answer some of the most frequently asked ones here (please note, these are separate to any Covid exceptions): 
My child has been to hospital 
If your child is returning to nursery after any hospitalisation, we need to ensure that they are well enough to be at nursery. In this case we will follow the guidance provided on the discharge note from the hospital – so please bring it with you! 
My child has to take prescription medication 
We are unable to care for children who are on any prescribed medication, until 24 hours after their first dose, to ensure that the child is in parents care, in the event of any reactions. 
All prescribed medication: 
·       Must be in its original packaging 
·       Must have the pharmacy label 
·       Must have the child’s name and date of birth 
·       Must have the dosage and length of the prescription 
When you come into nursery, we will ask you to complete a Prescribed Medication Form. During the day qualified staff will administer the medication, with a witness and you will be asked to sign the form when you collect your child, to confirm that you are aware of what medicine your child has had. 
My child must take long term prescription medication 
Your child’s key worker will complete a Health Care Plan with you, and the medication will be stored in clear sealed container, labelled with the child’s name and a picture. 
My child needs to take over the counter medicine 
We will follow the manufacturers guidance to administer the medicine, and parents must advise us of any previous doses. This will all be logged on our Medication Log and we must have a till receipt/proof of purchase, and it must have the original packaging. 
Here are some examples of what the nursery can administer*: 
·       Digestion relief, eg Infacol, gripe water 
·       Eye drops 
·       Ear drops 
·       Teething gels/powders 
·       Skin conditions/skin creams 
·       Allergy relief products 
We will not administer the following, unless prescribed: 
·       Cough medicine 
·       Medicines containing aspirin 
*This is not an exhaustive list, and we reserve the right not administer medication from home, if there is not a clear need. 
My child needs liquid paracetamol or ibuprofen 
The nursery will administer liquid paracetamol if the child has a raised/high temperature and we have been unable to decrease their temperature by making the child comfortable, removing or loosening clothing, providing fresh drinking water and allowing them to cool down gradually. We will also call you and inform you of the situation. 
If your child’s temperature does not come down, or goes up again later in the day, we will call you to collect your child. 
Please be aware of the following: 
·       We will not administer both liquid paracetamol and ibuprofen. Only one type of pain relief will be administered. 
·       We will not administer pain relief if the child has been taking it for more than three consecutive days 
·       We will not administer liquid paracetamol if it has been administered in the last four hours, or six hours in the case of ibuprofen. 
If your child needs pain relief for a specific pain, your child will be assessed during the day to see if the medication should be given and if necessary we will call parents to discuss what is best for your child. We will follow the manufacturers guidance on the maximum number of days the medication can be used, before medical advice is required. 
I like to send paracetamol in my child’s bag, in case they need it. 
Parents sign a consent form when joining the nursery, allowing qualified professionals to administer pain relief and antihistamines*, with permission – and we  keep our own supply at the nursery. 
Medication of any kind, should never be left in a child’s bag. We encourage our children to be independent and put away their own belongings in their bags, sometimes their friends might help them, sometimes a bag is left open and falls off the peg, so a child might pick up any medication that has been left in a bag. 
*Please note antihistamines cannot be administered to a child under 12 months old 
What is the government guidance regarding Covid? 
Below is a guide for parents. This details what to do if you or child has symptoms and where to get further advice. It also includes some very helpful links for mental health and wellbeing support for parents and children. 
It now includes details on ALL respiratory infections, not just Covid-19.  The guidance states that “children should not attend if they have a high temperature and are unwell. Children and young people who have had a positive test result for Covid-19 should not attend the setting for 3 days after the day of the test” 
The guidance also states that children with “mild symptoms such as runny nose and headache” can continue to attend school, as long as they are “otherwise well” enough to be at nursery.
And finally... 
Please keep in mind, that all times, we want your child to feel well enough to be at nursery, and not feel any distress. Their wellbeing is very important to us. 💙 
If you have any questions please email info@bananamoon-bromley.co.uk or call us on 02087060850 

@BananaMoon - 3 years ago


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We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 48-50 London Lane

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