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Baby Moons

From 3 months

Teenie Moons

Up to 2 years

Mini Moons


Full Moons

Up to 5 years

Baby Moons

In Banana Moon World our babies are known as Baby Moons, and our baby rooms cater for children from the age of three months until they are confidently mobile. Each nursery has a separate sleeping room and changing facilities.

We work on a maximum of 3:1 children to staff ratio with the continuity of staff being a priority.

Our baby rooms are bright, cheerful and stimulating, offering a caring environment. The emphasis is very much on providing home-from-home care with lots of play, love and attention.

Children are encouraged to explore the world of colour, shape and texture through the use of natural light, toys, adult interaction and lots of sensory experiences.

Here at Banana Moon, we work closely with you to ensure your baby’s home routine is followed. This provides continuity and stability for you and your child.

To ensure a smooth, stress-free transition from home to nursery life, convenient settling-in sessions are always arranged. During these sessions, which you will attend, your baby’s needs and any special requirements can be discussed with nursery staff.


CCTV-monitored sleep rooms


Children to staff ratio


From 3 months old

Teenie Moons

Once your little one is actively up and about with confidence and ready to move on, joining our Teenie Moons would be their next step.

These rooms are bright, colourful, busy rooms catering for children up to the age of two years old, working on a maximum of 3:1 children to staff ratio.

As children begin to explore, they will gain confidence and then be able to participate in a wide range of educational and fun activities, all of which will be planned in advance and will include colouring, painting, messy play, singing etc., to create a fun-filled day for your child.


operates throughout our nurseries


Children to staff ratio


Up to 2 years old

Mini Moons

At two years of age, your child will enter the world of our Mini Moons. These rooms cater for children aged two to three years of age with a maximum of 5:1 children to staff ratio.

These rooms are full of busy energy as by this stage, your child will be able to experience a wider range of educational yet fun activities that have been carefully selected to stimulate their ever-expanding minds.

When it comes to potty training, we will encourage your child to be as independent as possible. All we ask is that you bring in lots of spare clothes in case they have a little accident, so they will have their own clothes ready to be changed into.

With the EYFS planning and observation system in place, the nursery staff will be actively encouraging your child’s interests, offering them further opportunities to explore.

Within these rooms, they start to prepare for pre-school, so self-selection of activities and independence is encouraged throughout the day.


training and support


Children to staff ratio

2 - 3

Between 2 and 3 years

Full Moons

Our Full Moons are our pre-schoolers; children aged three years to school age who are looked after by our team with an 8:1 children to staff ratio.

With the children’s interests being at the centre of all planning, the day passes by quickly, as the fun never stops! Children learn through play.

During free play sessions, children are encouraged to be independent and to make their own choices from a wide range of different activities. A structured day is centred on individual learning where progress is carefully observed and recorded by your child’s Key Person. This, coupled with lots of fresh air, provides a busy day for all in the Pre-School Rooms.

At the end of their time in pre-school, the children will have increased levels of confidence and be socially interactive, thus they experience a smooth transition to full-time schooling and a logical progression of their continued learning.


Outdoor play and social interaction and transition


Children to staff ratio


From 3 to 5 years old


How do you settle my child into the setting?

We always offer you the chance to visit Banana Moon with your child prior to your start date. Our ‘settling-in’ policy is flexible – this enables us to treat each child and family individual and support us in meeting your child’s unique needs.

Communication between yourselves and the nursery team will take place to promote a smooth settling-in process.

How do you ensure the safety of the children?

All areas of the nursery that are regularly occupied by children are protected by CCTV recording.

Access to the building is through biometric fingerprint recognition only. Parents, carers and nursery practitioners will be registered on the system in order to access the building. Any unauthorised person will be required to ring the doorbell and be let in by a member of the staff team.

All our staff are DBS-checked and vetted to ensure they are suitable for their role. All of our policies and procedures surrounding the safeguarding of the children are available; feel free to ask a member of management to view these.

Is there a minimum amount of time that my child must attend the setting?

We recommend that they attend a minimum of two half-day sessions or one full day per week. Through experience, we feel that this allows children to settle more easily and benefit from the learning opportunities we offer.

Do you offer a healthy eating plan?

We ensure that the children are offered proteins and carbohydrates for each meal and a minimum of five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day. Our menu is tailored to ensure a suitable healthy approach, and includes essential fats, fibre and omega, etc. We strive to use quality produce over cheaper alternatives.

Allergies and other dietary requirements will be met for individual children.

Do I pay if my child is absent from sickness or holiday?

As per the terms and conditions, fees are payable 51 weeks per year, inclusive of bank holidays.

As staffing structures, ratios and deployment are forecast in advance to ensure the safety of the children, you are still required to pay for your child’s nursery fees when your child is absent due to sickness or holiday.

Do you accept childcare vouchers?

Yes. Please provide scheme details to the Nursery Manager, so we can register accordingly.

If we are already registered with the company, the Nursery Manager will provide you with the nursery’s account number (if applicable).

Request a callback

Please fill in the form below and we will respond as soon as we can.

Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 48-50 London Lane

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